When you use your credit card to make a purchase, you are doing a transaction. Without the card, you cannot make the transaction. In the same way, giving tithes and offerings to God is a spiritual transaction. You must be qualified to do the transaction otherwise nothing will happen. If you are qualified for spiritual transaction, does this mean you can deposit things from the earth to heaven? Yes! When we enter the kingdom of God, we are given the ability to make spiritual transactions.
If you want the word and a gift from God, you must let go of things of the world. Darkness and light have nothing in common. You cannot have your own righteousness and try to get righteousness from God.
By confession we became Christians; Romans 10:9 became our *“Entry Point”* into the Kingdom of Heaven, and we are born again – into a relationship with Christ! Without cutting off old relationships, we cannot live the new life. Those who refuse to change old habits or relationships are still living in religion; meaning their birth in Christ was a false confession! That was not truly believing in your heart; as Jesus teaches us from the parable of sower. Satan made false confessions to tempt or deceive Jesus in the wilderness (Matt 4).
God cannot be served with man’s own righteousness. He must be served in His own way which is through his son Jesus. As a preacher of gospel, we are called into the ministry of reconciliation.
As we trust in the Lord and wait, we will not be put to shame. King Hezekiah pleaded God for his life after hearing Word from prophet Isaiah and was granted 15 years!
Apostle Paul who lived a religious life before his salvation, urged the fellow Jewish converts to put on Christ like him and hold fast to the confession they made. He desired that all of Israel to be saved. Similarly, our Pastor has an agenda for his people: that they will hear the trumpet sound on that day of rapture!
As you hear the Word preached, Act on it! This Word is *fuel* to *fire* up the anointing inside you. Self righteous people cannot acknowledge Jesus as God and therefore cannot please God the Father!!
SCRIPTURES : Philippians 3, Romans 10, John 14:6, Heb 13:8, Heb 1:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:1-9, James 1, Matt 4:8-9, Matt 13:23.